Sunday, September 18, 2011

Catch Up

It is hard to imagine living without the technology nowadays.
Think about how many hours do you spend on blogging, texting, facebooking, TV-watching, and so on, a day?  
1 hour?
3 hours?
6 hours?
12 hours?
You will be surprised by the answer if you count with scrutiny.

     I am kind of shocked after watching the video Pay Attention.  Even if I have already known that students have heavy reliance on technology in this modern society, the research results still leave a deep impression on my mind. 

     Since we cannot prevent the technology from developing and students from using it, we, the teachers, have to figure out specific teaching methods, which combine with technology, and use it to help students in learning.  The text messaging (SMS) assignment illustrated in the video is a good example.

     Besides, it is well said in the video Educational Change Challenge: Teacher needs to exist in the space students exist.  The space most students exist now is digital and virtual space; thus, the teachers have to follow their pace and get to know what they are doing.  Once the teachers exist in the same space with their students, they can then weave the technology and homework together to help the students to lead an effective learning process.

Technology can be either a harmful or helpful tool in teaching and learning, depends on how you use it!

1 comment:

Maryanne said...

Again you have grasped the most crucial elements in the videos. We need to learn to work in the digital world where our students live, but we also need to provide activities that are meaningful, not just digital.